
Friday, December 11, 2015


1. As i worked my way through these photos i felt happy at first and in aw then i felt scared and sad on how the last of the pictures where going to be, wondering what was going to happen.

2. "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." Now that i have looked through these photos i feel as the comment means so much more. I think the comment is defiantly right, the emotions in the pictures don't define them as humans but it is who they are.

3. Honestly i don't think i could, because to me it would be too emotion to handle. At the end of it all i bet i would of wished i did though to remember the good times of it all.

4. I would write to him that these photos are inspiring and amazing, they tell his and his wife's story. These photos are something to proud about and to always look back and remember who they where together.

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